Artificial chemical

When a substance has been obtained in its natural form (from a mine, the farm, a plant, an animal etc) it is generally considered to be a natural chemical or a natural substance.

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However, if anything has happened other than grinding and some simple physical (rather than chemical) mixing, it is likely that there has been a chemical change.

Simple physical rather than chemical mixing refers to situations such as the stirring together of two or more substances that do not react with each other and so this doesn't lead to chemical change.

A chemical change means that there has been a change in the chemical structure. This may mean one or more elements or compounds splitting, combining or reforming to make one or more new substances. There may have been energy put in or given off.

Any non-natural chemical change means the substance is now considered synthetic or artificial and therefore is generally not acceptable for an organic farmer.

Note that it takes more than just not using artificial chemicals to make an organic farmer.

An organic farmer needs
Artificial chemical and Synthetic chemical mean essentially the same.

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This page was updated on December 27, 2007